So many people have asked me about the legend of the duppy in my book that I felt I just had to do a special blog post on it.
The legend originates in Africa and lives on in the West Indies through the descendants of the slaves who were brought here hundreds of years ago. Some of the islands have different names for duppies such as rolling calf and bubby Susan. But in pretty much all of the Caribbean islands, certain facts remain consistent.
Duppies are believed to come about through the improper burial of bodies. Once they escape, they roam the earth for three days and can get into myriad activities including haunting one's enemies. They're rumored to live in cotton trees and to enjoy a good drink (talk about an eclectic spirit!)
Many of you may ask "what's the difference between a duppy and a ghost?" The main difference is that duppies are said to communicate with us while we sleep by manipulating our dreams. In Barbados when that happens, people say that they're being ridden by a duppy. When that happens, you wake up but your body gets stiff and you are rendered immobile. From there it's you against the duppy and you have to shake them off.
But that creepy stuff isn't entirely what the book is about. In my book the duppy is actually a good guy... of sorts.
Duppies are mythical spirits that many believe can either be good or bad. In my book, The Shadow Guardian, they represent both but with a twist. I took the idea of the duppy and fictionalized how it appeared in the book (many people were surprised by it and I won't go into that part too much here to avoid killing it for those of you who haven't read it).
I did it that way because I was fascinated with the premise that they represent one of our souls. The legend of the duppy believes that the soul leaves a deceased person's body for a reason and I again took creative license with that aspect of the legend. Why?
Because I felt like so many of us go about our day without any real burning desire. I know for sure that at one point I did. That's what actually inspired me to write the book - living without joy and love and excitement is a horrible existence.
So I breathed new life into the duppy by giving it a fresh purpose. The duppy was critical in the book to connect lots of themes such as hope and love. So often, we peg our dreams and ideal lifestyles on outside influences and material things. But let's be real; when you strip away all of that you come to grips with the fact that all we really need is what we can give ourselves. And once WE - not others - are happy and exude confidence and a genuine spirit, everything else falls into place. I don't advocate being selfish and forgetting other people. Far from. I'm just saying that we get what we give and if we give love and good vibes, then it comes back to us.
I've gotten a few e-mails and messages from people telling me that The Shadow Guardian gave them what they needed to get through a difficult time. I am genuinely glad that I was able to help in my little way. We face so many challenges everyday - from work to our love lives - that it's important to be able to get past all of the bad, dig deep and find the hope that lies within all of us.
I found mine and I hope you find your's.
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